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  • Kevin Anderson

Receiving Guidance

Life can be full of ups and downs. This appears to be a universal truth for human beings across the board. There are times when we're doing amazing, just living fully present and enjoying the ride. There are also times when things don't go as planned and we don't know what to do.

Since our experiences are completely subjective, it can be challenging to pinpoint the causes of the "negative" experiences. It can also be challenging to know how to move forward. And if you're anything like me, being in control of your life is where your comfort zone is. This is the reason I used to hate flying. I had no control. I would grip onto the armrest hard as possible in hopes that I could steer the flight safely through the air. I just didn't know at the time that the comfort zone is where dreams get crushed. It was time to get uncomfortable.

Something magical happens when we stop trying to control everything. Stress goes away and we can begin to enjoy ourselves. We get guidance from somewhere that appears to be much more informed and knowledgeable than we are. When we can have trust that perhaps even the things that happen are for a bigger purpose, we no longer have to question. When we focus on the unknowns we're left with even more questions. Why did I lose my job? Why did this relationship not work out?

While introspection is important, many times we won't understand the whole picture until later on, when we actually do discover the answers to those questions. Any many times, we're so happy things turned out as they did.

But this process of trust is built first with trust in one's self. You must trust yourself to trust. You must develop the relationship you have with yourself so that you love yourself fully. Then you know, no matter what life brings, you will accept it and keep trucking. And when you keep this mindset, you'll be surprised at the synchronicities that pop up and the higher guidance you begin to receive. It's always there, it's just much more difficult to identify if you're busy re-living the past or worrying about the future. These things only happen now, which is where you want to be.

Just like a flight, life is full of ups and downs. Stop trying to control the flight in life. There's little you can do from your seat. Enjoy the ride knowing that there are bigger plans than what you're able to grasp. After all, we are just temporary passengers in this meat suit. Just focus on the things you can control, like your thoughts, emotions and actions. Be a great person and everything else will happen for you, not to you.

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